Tarık Bülbül’s “Fractals of Hermannsdenkmal” is mused by Iannis Xenakis’ approach on the practicality and mathematical aspects of music, with John Cage’s thoughts on what the role of the composer is and could be in a musical artwork. As Cage was mainly focusing on excluding himself (composer) from the work itself, leaving the process and the results of the music to chance and the performers, Bülbül transmits his own perception of the monument into the software (IanniX) using repetitive triangular figures as his tool, while leaving the results to the software, treating it as a performer, as Cage did.
Tarık Bülbül
His musical career started in 2015 by singing a capella in Bogazici Jazz Choir, meanwhile he had multidimensional view of music. He started to perform especially in exhibitions, musical storytelling nights and podcasts. He exhibited his first sound installation called “Tekne” in 2019. As being a part of this organisation and facilitating in ISFF Detmold 2021; here he made the exhibition team together and as an artist, his approach is behavioral sounds combined with artificial intelligence’s visual projection.
Is an İstanbul based musician, studying in Music Department of Bilgi University. His areas of interest are Sound Design, Soundtracks, Graphic Notation, and Frequency Effects on the human body and chakras. He worked on sound design for Maya Deren’s silent films and is a lead guitarist in the RnB band, Kick The Switch. He exhibits his Fractals of Hermannsdenkmal project in ISFF Detmold 2021.