France / 2023 / Drama / 05:00 min
The acoustician Mathilde tries to solve the riddles posed to her by the human voice. What if it could teach her how to defy the passing of time?Directors' Night
Pierre Gaffié
Pierre Gaffiè is a filmmaker and journalist. After hosting the cinema chronicle of the program "Nulle part ailleurs" on Canal Plus with Philippe Gildas for several years, he has made several films, including "City of Dolphin Skin" (best foreign film at the "Media Film Festival" in Pennsylvania), "Theory of Relativity for Children" (Audience Award at the Festival de Lussac), "Moon Radio" and "The Man with the Gold Arms" (Jury Prize at the Festival de Bischheim). He has also produced "Addressee Unknown" for France 3, a film adaptation of the book by Katherine Kressmann Taylor. "Apocalypse Notes" is his 8th film. He is currently shooting his first feature film. He also writes regularly for film magazines such as "Positif" or "L'avant-scène".