Germany / 2021 / Animation / 01:19 min
The woman in the blue dress is overwhelmed by the little fails of daily life. She drops her cup on the floor and this event puts her in tears. She starts explaining the feeling behind the cry as a monologue. She talks about her needs, about the circumstances she’s in and about the the shame and fear to be that vulnerable. In the end she finds peace in a silent prayer and her chaotic thoughts are gone.
Sunday 03.July 16:00
Love & Poesie
Love & Poesie

Beyza Tolgay
05/2014 - 08/2017 Bachelor of Arts - Media Design University of Applied Science Mainz, Germany 09/2019 - 07/2021 Master of Arts - Communication Design University of Applied Science Mainz, Germany 09/2019 - today Freelance animator and illustrator 01/2019 - 08/2021 Academic assistent University of Applied Science Mainz, Germany 09/2019 - 01/2019 Academic assistant Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany Awards and Scholarships Germany Scholarship 3rd place FAZ student competition