Ich Weiß Nicht Wo, Aber Zusammen
Non So Dove, Ma Insieme
Italy / 2020 / Music Video / 00:06:23min
Following Floraworks, the iconic 2012 video project for italian label MSGM, director Luca Finotti collaborates once more with the brand’s founder and creative director Massimo Giorgetti for his SS21 campaign. The focus of Non So Dove, Ma Insieme (I Don’t Know Where, but Together) is on the younger MSGM generation.
Friday 22.10. 20:00
Music Block
Music Block

Luca Finotti
Dubbed "The Film Director Behind Fashion's Viral Videos" by Forbes Magazine, Luca Finotti is a creative Italian film director. His creations, which combine powerful moving images with social media, always start from an idea tested based on trend research. This guarantees every film and campaign's worldwide virality and makes every project a visible and shareable online experience.