22. April
22nd of April
France, Algeria / 2020 / Fiction / 00:03:00min
The coronavirus affects the entire planet, killing thousands, changing the way we see the world, and pushing our societies to rethink their habits deeply. One habit to improve above all others to win the fight against this new common enemy is… hand-washing. But what about those places where freshwater is not a given primary commodity?
Sunday 24.10. 18:00
One Earth & Ihsu Yoon - Screening
One Earth & Ihsu Yoon - Screening

Cesare Maglioni
Cesare is an engineer who converted to cinematography. He produced, directed, and filmed fiction and documentary shorts like La Plastikeria, Ongi Etorri, Crisis, and 22nd of April. A couple of medium-length films like Ceux Qui Nous Nourrisent, and Honda 2050 accumulated more than 150 selections and 30 international awards.