Thanks for the Cigarette

Germany / 2022 / Drama / 09:51 min

A writer, seeking inspiration, sits on a park bench observing people and imagining their lives. Just when he least expects it, a woman approaches him and asks for a cigarette. Little does he know, this encounter may hold the key to the story he has been searching for.
Thursday, 24.08. 19:00
Barrierfree Films with Q&As

Film maker
Carlos García-Espejo Sayago

Carlos García-Espejo Sayago was born in 1993 in Seville, Spain. Since adolescence, he dedicated his creative efforts many years to graffiti which brought him some trouble and a lot of fun. He studied German Language and Literature at the University of Seville. It was during his Erasmus experience in the city of Freiburg im Breisgau that he found himself captivated by the allure of Germany and he moved to Regensburg in 2019. After working for a couple of years and saving some money, he decided he wanted to dedicate himself to the world of cinema. This decision led him to move to Hamburg in 2021 and shoot his first short film Ehrenlos (Honorless). Afterward, he completed a directing internship at the German TV series Notruf Hafenkante, during which he shot and produced his second short film Danke für die Zigarette (Thanks for the Cigarette). In 2023 he did another internship in an advertising film production company and now he is continuing his career as a filmmaker dedicated to new projects.


Filmmaker greetings: