Germany / 2022 / Krimi / 08:08 min
After a mysterious pursuit, the two women start talking to each other in a room.Barrierfree Films with Q&As

Yurdakul Peksen
Yurdakul Peksen grew up in Istanbul, studied in Germany and currently lives in Berlin. Among other things, he worked as an assistant director and first unit manager in numerous German and international film and series projects, while writing his own screenplays, making short films and award-winning music videos. The writer, actress and producer of the film is Annaleen Frage.She grew up in Landsberg am Lech and now lives in Berlin. She has had a great love for film since her childhood and has been in front of the camera for various film and television productions since she was 18. During the lockdown in 2021, she started writing her own scripts and then filming them. At first she just did it to keep active and collect material for her showreel, but it quickly became my passion. Since then, she have made five short films and more are in the pipeline.