Ein Warmer Salziger Wind
A Warm Salty Wind
Russian Federation / 2020 / Animation / 00:02:00min
An atmospheric film about one day on the Black Sea coast. Portraying the taste of summer, the picture dips us into the mood of leisure, where one day is like one life.
Sunday 24.10. 16:00

Maria Korzhova, Sofia Petrova, Maria Laricheva
Maria Laricheva. An artist, illustrator, and animator. Education: Moscow State University of Printing Arts, graphics; School-studio "Animatseh," 2017-2019. Maria Korzhova. An artist, designer, and animator. Education: State Academy of Slavonic culture, 2000-2006, painting; British High School of art and design. Sofia Petrova. Artist and animator. Education: School-studio "Shar," animator; School-studio "Animatseh," 2017- 2019, animation and film directing; Animator on different Russian animated films.