A.I.T.A. : Die Natur ist mein Lieblingsdesigner

A.I.T.A. : Nature is My Favorite Designer

Turkey / 2020 / Experimental / 00:03:17min

While people are consuming the natural resources on Earth as if there is no tomorrow, Nature, who wants to renew itself despite all the obstacles, sends the Mythological Gods and Goddesses with the four elements to infiltrate humans by dressing them with all the modern details to put an end to this consumption...
Saturday 23.10. 22:00
We Are Bad Heroes - Directors Lounge & Short film night

Film maker
Nur Vural

I was born on 27 May 1988 in İzmir. I am a student of the Fine Arts Faculty in Dokuz Eylül University. My department is Design and Construction of Film. I am shooting short experimental movies, music videos, and fashion photos constructed with stories I have created. I took two fashion, four music, two experimental films, and an advertising movie for a school project.