Kaspar Karl-amadeus Frühling
Germany / Expiremental / 00:02:03 min
Monodrama & Performance with and by Peter Bähr.Block 19 & 20

Peter Bähr
Peter Bähr (1949 in Stuttgart) is an author, musician, sculptor, pencil artist, and resides near Bamberg. The Old Opera House in Frankfurt am Main, courtyards, and other forums led him in the early 1980s from Zurich and Vienna to Budapest. Currently, he has five intermedial stage concepts to his credit. In a language that sometimes recalls Jean Paul's intricate sentence dynamics while providing humorous insights, Bähr is capable of conveying bizarre situations in an entertaining manner. He cannot be categorized: literary journalism assessments range from "perfect intellectual surface sensualism" (Sachsenspiegel) to the "existential quality of inquiry that is present in him" (Reutlinger Generalanzeiger). The Oberfränkische Tag concludes: "Bähr plays with words, masters it, and makes it sparkle." In 2011, Bähr received a supporting role in the Hollywood production "The Three Musketeers" as a mute Capuchin monk and secret service chief Père Joseph, the right-hand man of the film's villain Cardinal Richelieu, played by Oscar-winning actor Christoph Waltz.