Slam and Howl

Slam and Howl

Germany / Fiction / 00:10:00 min

"Slam and Howl" the new slogan for a gin echoes through the office spaces of an advertising agency. While she toasts, Lisa is still happy about the success of her work. The customer, Frank, likes Lisa even more than her work. The evening quickly takes a different turn. One thing leads to another when Frank asks Lisa for a tour of the office. The attempted rape is no longer a surprise and mirrors our experiences and expectations of patriarchal power structures. Lisa can escape the situation. But how should she deal with it now? The film gives an emotional response that captures the feelings of many women.
Saturday, 24th Aug. 17:00
Block 15

Film maker
Mareike Sophie Danisch

Mareike Danish was born on August, 1st 1995 in Gehrden, Hannover. She went to the Waldorf School Hannover Maschsee until. Since her 6th birthday, she has been engaged with several theatre group, playing side characters as well as main characters. In 2006 and 2008 her daugthers were born. During her maternal leave she stayed in touch with theatre and acting. in 2008 she began being engaged several short movie projets, mainly as a director´s assistant, unit manager, or producer. When she started studying at the DFFB, she dedicated herself to her won projects.