The Line Jumper
United States / 2022 / Comedy, Drama / 06:10 min
"The Line Jumper," a co-directed film by Hugh Oyake Murchison and Rob Underhill, poses an intriguing question: Would you jump the line? This thought-provoking film explores the moral dilemma of cutting in line, with Hugh Oyake Murchison making his directorial debut. As a second-generation American with a Japanese mother and an African American father, Murchison brings a unique perspective to the project. Get ready to delve into a captivating exploration of ethics and personal choices in this thought-provoking cinematic experience.Block 13
Rob Underhill, Hugh Oyake Murchison
The line jumper is co-directed by rob underhill and hugh murchison. Hugh oyake murchison is a first-time filmmaker. He is a second-generation american: his mother was japanese, and his father was african american. After a lengthy stint in clinical research, hugh launched a second career as a scriptwriter. He quit medical writing, once he figured out that movies and tv shows were more likely to be made from his scripts than from the technical documents he wrote for fda drug approval. Film school soon followed, as did co-creating a web series, creating tv pilots and feature-lengths, and marketing his works. Rob underhill is a film & media director, producer, cinematographer, editor, and writer. His feature films & more than 50 short films have received over 150 awards and showcased at hundreds of screening engagements worldwide, including cannes & academy-qualifying film festivals like st. Louis & seattle. More at www.Robunderhill.Com