Völkerball 42

Germany / 2022 / Drama / 04:48 min

During the third year of the war, the Nazi regime intensifies its monitoring and persecution of all those who openly or covertly oppose their system. The state and its terror organizations relentlessly target dissenters, critics, and members of the resistance. Once captured by the Gestapo and other Nazi entities, these individuals face intimidation, arrest, and condemnation as traitors to the nation. Imprisonment and even death penalties loom as constant threats. In an interrogation room, SS officer Friedrich Gehrle and the young woman Johanna Bichl cross paths, each representing different facets of the country's transformed landscape. Their individual experiences shed light on how ideology can reshape the perception of the past. Convictions and beliefs are tested, challenging both their attitudes and consciences.
Wednesday, 23.08. 20:00
Barrier Free Films

Film maker
Samuel Heigl

Samuel Heigl was born in 1996 in a small village in southern Germany and wanted to become an actor when he was a child. After finishing school he moved to Munich and started working in the German movie industry where he made himself a name in the production department. Pursuing a career in content creation, he started studying 'Audiovisual Media' at the Stuttgart Media University. Samuel found his passion in analog film photography during his travels in Asia, where after buying his first film camera for 10$, he shot over 20 films in less than six weeks. When he returned home, he cheaply acquired a darkroom laboratory set that made it possible to develop films himself. Over the following years, he acquired more cameras, and a film scanner and improved his knowledge and skill of the craft.