The Marketers

Germany / 2023 / Comedy / 04:28 min

Marcus and Antje find themselves in a tight spot as they scramble to create a new slogan for their local radio station. However, Marcus, the copywriter, is experiencing a creativity block and instead dwells on the notion that radio is an outdated medium. He questions the need for positive advertising and ponders the idea of outfluencing rather than conforming to traditional radio marketing. Will Marcus be able to overcome his doubts and find a unique approach to captivate listeners? Join Marcus and Antje on their journey to redefine the rules of radio advertising and discover if they can turn the tide in their favor.
Wednesday, 23.08. 20:00
Barrier Free Films

Film maker
Joscha Michel Seehausen

Joscha Seehausen is a writer and director from Germany. He started his career in marketing while creating short comedic films during his free time. In 2012 WDR asked him to direct a Multicam Concert Show of german Singer Max Herre and after this first step into the TV Business, he rapidly became director of photography for several projects of WDR, ZDF, Warner Brothers and many others. Today Joscha works as a director for Commercials (Lexus, Mercedes Benz and others) as well as TV Shows like "ZDF Heute Show", "Die Cindy aus Marzahn Show" (RTL), "Binge Reloaded" (Amazon Prime). He still writes and directs short movies during his free time. Wait. He is a filmmaker. Wich free time?